Early to bed?

I have not been getting enough sleep lately. Does anyone? Ever? I think it’s a myth. But I’ve been planning all week to get to bed early tonight to give myself the best chance to actually stay awake through reading all day tomorrow, and hopefully late into the night. Will it actually happen? I’m still hopeful!

Settling down with a cup of peppermint tea as I type this.

I feel like we’ve lucked out, here in the Eastern time zone. 8 a.m. is probably the perfect time to start. We can get up, make breakfast, possibly even drive to the coffee shop for a latte, Jefferson can get a bit of Minecraft in, and still have time to settle in before the reading begins.

The living room has been declared off limits for all non-reading activities for tomorrow, and the coffee table has been cleared of everything but our TBR piles and the first selection of snacks.

I was hoping to have created a better recording system for our reading by now, and have that ready to go as well, but… I didn’t. Maybe inspiration will strike between now and 8 a.m.? Or maybe we will just muddle through.

Best news is, the readathon hasn’t even started and already we’ve raised 20% of our goal! Plus, a brave friend has pledged three cents per page, and I will be doing my customary $2 per book. Haven’t donated yet? Go visit our fundraising page now!

Already I’ve gotten a lot more out of the social aspect of the readathon than in years past. The Facebook group has been a flurry of pictures of people’s TBR piles and everyone commenting on what everyone else is reading. I’ve followed and been followed by a few new people. Hello, new friends!

I need to go to bed, but I also want to sit down and work out this page logging concept… Which will win?

See you in the morning!

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